The Washington State Chronicles

The Incredible Adventures of Karen C.

A last minute, split-second decision Saturday night at work defined our plans for the next day. Ginger and I were intent on getting up to the mountain just to relax, even if we didn't necessarily go to go "hiking." Apparently, working at Old Navy can be very stressful. ;)

So, Sunday morning, we met up at our regular Starbucks to buy coffee for the road (a must have), and off we went -- windows rolled down and music blaring. We didn't have anything in mind trail-wise, but that didn't stop us from winging it and heading up to Paradise. Once we reached our destination, we couldn't believe our luck! Clear skies, warm 60ºF weather, cool snow on the meadows, and a slight breeze. What a perfect day.

Before hiking up the snow field, we dinked around for a little bit at the Paradise Complex, took a few pictures, and checked out the new Jackson Visitor's Center. Once inside, Ginger and I were thoroughly disappointed. Everything seemed so small, and jam-packed inside. There was hardly any room to move inside the giftshop, and I won't even go into details about the cafeteria. All of the museum type exhibits are gone, replaced by one large display. The new center is very contemporary, and dare I even say "Asian inspired," so if you're looking for that mountain-lodgey type feel, take my advice -- skip the visitor's center and head straight to Paradise Lodge. Ginger and I both voiced our frustration as we took our own little tour of the place. I miss the old center, with the upstairs panoramic windows coming full-circle, the museum-like feel, and the rock supports my brother and I used to sit on. It's really too bad they tore down the old building and replaced it with something smaller, and far more inferior, all for the sake of parking. Boo Washington State! Bad choice! 

On our way back down the mountain, we stopped at every scenic viewpoint we could possibly find, and took TONS of pictures. The area around Christine Falls had almost melted off, and we were able to carefully venture down to the viewpoint to nab a couple of photos. Narada Falls, however, was a completely different story. You'll see why once you watch the video. Apart from Paradise, Ginger and I lingered around Christine Falls the most during our journey, leaning over the side of the rock wall to watch the water come crashing down. A small foot bridge above the waterfall caught our eye, and before long, we were already planning another hiking trip -- with that specific trail in mind. 

So check back soon to read all about our next big adventure, and pray for sunny skies in Washington! Don't forget to watch the video!! :)

The Tatoosh Ridge -- Panoramic Style :)

Hey everyone! Just thought I'd check in and let you guys know how I've been doing. March definitely went out with a bang, Rampart Ridge was absolutely amazing, and the weather has been super crazy -- especially over the last few weeks. Heavy wind, rain, and hail storms have battered the west coast here in Washington, altogether hindering any chance of hitting those trails. Mt. Rainier has seen some equally harsh weather, only in the form of snow. The snow level is all the way down to 2,000 feet as of today. More bad weather is headed our way, I'm afriad. Here's a look at the nasty stuff sitting off the coast near Friday Harbor up in the San Juan Islands:

I'm shivering in my hiking boots just looking at the bitter cold scene depicted in the Tatoosh Range webcam up at Mt. Rainier:

Hopefully things will start to warm up a bit more in April and I can get outdoors a little more. Here's prayin'!

Not only have we been having some nasty weather, but I've also been feeling under the weather as well. My heart has been acting up funny, which I've never had happen before. It seems to be beating really fast and then fluttering, so my mom (a retired intensive care nurse of over 30 years) suggested I cut out the caffeine in my diet for about a week.

Uh-oh. Karen with no coffee?! This can't be good...

I've been positively dieing without my morning coffee (or my Starbucks for that matter), and for the first few days I had a major headache. Not fun. In fact, I was having such withdrawls that I had to go out and buy some decaf coffee just so I could have that fresh coffee "taste" in the morning! I'm such a weakling, I know. Ha-ha! But, I'm happy to report that my heart has started to slow down a bit, and I'm feeling much better. Guess it really was just all that freakin' caffeine.

Not much else to report other than that. Say a little prayer that we start having clearer skies (and a few good days off from work ;) ) so my friends and I can get out and about again. Until the next big adventure...stay safe out there!