The Washington State Chronicles

The Incredible Adventures of Karen C.

I'd like to tell you all a little story. Another fun-filled, epic account of a blissful day in the lives of Karen and Ginger...

...It all started with a leisurely stroll up the mountain to spend some time in the lodge...

Many hikers -- like myself -- anxiously wait out the cold, winter months for the Paradise Lodge to re-open. Why? For one, it symbolizes the beginning of the spring/summer hiking season. Secondly, the lodge is an enormous hub where those with common interests can sit down after a long day's hike at one of the two harths and swap stories. It's a great place to meet new people who are into the same things you are, and the coffee isn't half bad either. You can stay in any one of the lodge's 121 guest rooms, eat in their formal dining hall, or grab some coffee from the Tatoosh Cafe`. The host at the Inn's front desk will gladly hand over a board game, you need only ask. I like to take a chess board up to the dimly lit upper level and nab a table next to the rafters. The lodge is only accessible four months out of the year, and during the rest of the year, you might just miss it altogether if you're not looking. Most of the time it's covered in white fluffy snow! So if you haven't already checked out the lodge, you'd better hurry in...time is running out.

(Inside the two story lodge)

(Nothing beats lounging by the fire with a hot cup of coffee)

(Paradise Lodge and the Tatoosh Range)

After Ginger and I studied all the cute hiking boys, I mean...took in the ambience of the mountain lodge...we took off back down towards Longmire.
Or so we thought.
We decided to check out a scenic view road that we had seen coming up to Paradise, and veered off to our left. We kept wondering when the road was going to loop around back to the main street, but it never did. We started to get a bit suspisious when we came across a series of lakes and waterfalls...and then it dawned on us -- we were on Stevens Canyon Road headed to eastern Washington!!!! WHOA THERE HORSIE!!! We finally turned back around somewhere near the Box Canyon area, and headed for home. Although we were set back a whole hour, it was well worth it -- as the views were absolutely stunning. Once again our trip inspired our next hike, and we will be attempting Stevens Canyon later this week. Check back soon for my blog on that trek. For now, I leave you with my slide show of our spontaneous adventure. Enjoy!


Just wait till you see some of the views in the Steven's Canyon/Box Canyon area. You will be in awe! Have fun!

We actually just hiked Steven's Canyon this last Wednesday, and it was GORGEOUS!!!!! I'll have the blog up shortly. :)

Now that you have done Steven's Canyon...and Comet Falls.... what's next on the agenda? Oops..we have to get those boots fixed first!! ;)))

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