The Washington State Chronicles

The Incredible Adventures of Karen C.

I'm sitting here with my good ol' friend Joe (aka a cup of coffee) enjoying this magnificently, warm, sunny morning. I have a few bumps and bruises that I'm nursing, from yesterday's quest, but I'm no worse for wear. The temps are hovering in the high sixties to low seventies, and not a cloud in the sky. Just like yesterday! I took a picture of the sky just in case you don't believe me.

Anyway, I had the day off yesterday and of course the weather was beautiful, so I couldn't just stay in doors all day long, right? friend Jason and I decided to Carpe Diem it, and go hiking in the woods at a place called the Blue Pool. It was GORGEOUS! God never ceases to astound me with the majestic things He created for us to enjoy. All the different reds, yellows, oranges, and greens of the fall trees made me gape in wonder and snap pictures like crazy. There were even leaves that were so dark red they were almost purple. Here...I'll show you.

My boots definitely got their first good workout. And I'm sure it won't be the last with how much hiking I intend to do once I get back home. My Uggs are now slightly broken in, and need a good cleaning. Jason and I hiked until the sun started to set over Signal Mountain, clammering over rocks and tree roots, creeks, and a carpet of leaves on the ground. But the fresh air was so intoxicating, and I loved every bit of it. Thanks for taking me out there dude! I couldn't have done it without you.

Check back soon, as I will probably be adding more adventures before I leave this state for home. And then the real deal begins. You ain't seen nuthin' yet!


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