The Washington State Chronicles

The Incredible Adventures of Karen C.

Hey gang! I haven't written in awhile because, as you all know, I've been frantically getting ready to move cross country back to my home state of Washington. Well...I'm finally back home, my car has been delivered (thank GOD), and my computer is unpacked and ready to go. I can now start to get settled in here, little by little.

My flight went fantastically well, with absolutely no delays or bumps along the way (unless you count the turbulence). I actually arrived at both of my destinations rather early, and even had time to enjoy a nice, hot, white-chocolate mocha. I had a window seat on the left side of the plane coming in to Seattle, which allowed me to sit and stare in awe at Mt. Rainier, which I greatly missed. I guess you don't really realize how much scenery plays a part in your life, until you don't have it anymore. Needless to say...I'm very thankful to have the fantastic view out my bedroom window once more.

For the first week I was home, the weather was uncharacteristically clear, however, it was extremely cold. Temps were down in the mid to high twenties. We even had snow! One thing's for sure, I'm definitely going to have to get used to this colder weather again. Yesterday, the clouds crept down from the mountainside, enveloping the air with a thick, misty, foggy rain. I fell asleep last night, peacefully, to the familiar sound of whooshing rain running over my roof. It absolutely poured, washing away what was left of the snow. Today, it's overcast and drizzly -- typical pacific northwest weather. Only the foothills of the mountain are visible from my window. The pine trees, with their thick scent, stick out like silhouettes against their grey backgrounds. The light is dark and dim, but at least it's warmed up a bit with the cloud cover. Forty-seven degrees today, even though it doesn't feel like it.

I've rather enjoyed seeing our native Mountain Chickadees again. They're one of the only birds that actually stick it out through the rough winter, instead of migrating south to the warmer states. They've been stalking up on the sunflower seeds we've set out in our feeders, trying to fatten themselves up to help insulate themselves against the bitter cold. They sure are cute.

So, I'm back in the wonderful state of Washington, getting re-acclimated to the weather, my surroundings, and my old room. Which, I have to say, is kind of odd. Most of it had remained largely un-touched since I last left it. It was almost like stepping back in time.

Coming home has most certainly been a whirlwind of crazy events, full of emotions, and warm-heartedness despite my broken heart. However, I think one of the things that touched me the most was the fact that my beloved kitty, Sphynx, actually remembered me after being separated for almost two years. She has gotten soooo big! Even though my parents have said that she's doing things again that she hasn't done in years...she hasn't changed a bit to me. She's still that wild, crazy, orange kitty I left sadly behind. But we're together again, and that's all that matters.

Well, I'm going to take off for now. But be sure to check back soon. I'll post the pictures and videos of my going away party as soon as I get them from my friends back in Tennessee. There's a crazy story that goes along with that, that I'll have to save for later.

So long from Washington State!

I'm sitting here with my good ol' friend Joe (aka a cup of coffee) enjoying this magnificently, warm, sunny morning. I have a few bumps and bruises that I'm nursing, from yesterday's quest, but I'm no worse for wear. The temps are hovering in the high sixties to low seventies, and not a cloud in the sky. Just like yesterday! I took a picture of the sky just in case you don't believe me.

Anyway, I had the day off yesterday and of course the weather was beautiful, so I couldn't just stay in doors all day long, right? friend Jason and I decided to Carpe Diem it, and go hiking in the woods at a place called the Blue Pool. It was GORGEOUS! God never ceases to astound me with the majestic things He created for us to enjoy. All the different reds, yellows, oranges, and greens of the fall trees made me gape in wonder and snap pictures like crazy. There were even leaves that were so dark red they were almost purple. Here...I'll show you.

My boots definitely got their first good workout. And I'm sure it won't be the last with how much hiking I intend to do once I get back home. My Uggs are now slightly broken in, and need a good cleaning. Jason and I hiked until the sun started to set over Signal Mountain, clammering over rocks and tree roots, creeks, and a carpet of leaves on the ground. But the fresh air was so intoxicating, and I loved every bit of it. Thanks for taking me out there dude! I couldn't have done it without you.

Check back soon, as I will probably be adding more adventures before I leave this state for home. And then the real deal begins. You ain't seen nuthin' yet!

So, I haven't written in a while, because I've been working like crazy for the last week and a half. I literally had no days off between my two jobs, and 49 hours in one week. Sheesh! I was getting kinda concerned that my social life was taking a serious critical dive. So finally, when I had a break Saturday night, my friends and I went to Applebee's. We shared some good laughs and got a little tipsy, and I was in a really good mood despite my recent breakup with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years. Here's a short clip of my night:

Ryan D... from the 423 drawing a little something special for our regular waitress, Gwen.

Drinks @ Applebee's and Ryan's Drawings

Karen | MySpace Video

So, last night was interesting to say the least. I had a lot of really, really, really outlandish and crazy nightmares. Dreams that just don't make sense if you talk about them outloud, but made perfect sense while you were having them. For some reason they all revolved around animals. I had one dream where a horse AND a raptor raped my brother (don't ask >.< I swear I don't think this stuff up), and then I had another dream where this enormous elephant the size of a sky scraper was trampling through my home town terrorizing everything and everyone. I don't know, I told you it was really weird. For those of you who don't know me, I'm 24 years old and still deathly afraid of the dark. So needless to say, once I woke up from those strange dreams, I couldn't shake that eerie feeling and had to sleep with the lamp on.

On a lighter note, the boots that I ordered finally arrived today! YAY!!!!!! I decided awhile back that I needed some really good hiking boots, that could also double as winter boots, and that were still cute enough to be fashionable. Enter in the Ugg Adirondack II boot. I've never spent so much money on a pair of shoes before, but I figure they'll come in handy once I'm back home in the lovely state of Washington.

Plus, it doesn't hurt that it's the exact same boots that Bella wore in the movie "Twilight." And anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a huge fan of the books and movies. Anyway, they're completely water-proof (which is good considering it rains almost non-stop in Washington), sherpa lined and super warm, and they have a slip resistant sole that will be of great use during those snowy winters, and slippery hikes in the forest. And they are way too cute. They totally have that mountain logger's daughter look to 'em. I just tuck my jeans loosely into them and go. I can't wait to wear them to work tomorrow! Hopefully it rains so I can test them out. Wish me luck!

So, I went on a quest today...

...a quest of epic proportions, to find a fax machine. See, I'm moving back up to my home state of Washington in a little over 6 weeks, and I'm having my car shipped up there so I don't have to drive it cross country and thus saving me money (since I already have non-refundable flight tickets). Loooooooooong story, will save that for later. Anyway, so I finally get the car company booked to ship my car and they need me to print, sign, and fax the contract/order form back to them. Great. I don't have a printer or a fax machine. >.<

Now, what you have to understand is that up in Washington (at least around the area where I live) you can literally go down the street and there are many options for finding a fax machine. You have...internet cafes, Postnet, Kinko's, the library...
But out here in BFT (Bum F*ck Tennessee) you have nothing. At least not that I could find anyway. Not even my WORK has a fax machine. Seriously? What year is it? COME ON people!

Oh, but it gets better. Not only did I not find a fax machine, but I stumbled across a wide variety of unusual businesses that I was not aware of during my search. I passed "KC's Flameball Music Store" (no seriously, that's what the sign said), which apparently is a music-type store ran out of this guy's house. I also passed a real life operating psychic establishment, about a gazillion different auto repair shops, bait and tackle shops, and well over ten abandoned business sites that evidently just didn't "pan out." Who knew that all this stuff could come out of a town called "Soddy Daisy?" I mean, all jokes aside, I can pass a psychic shop and "KC's Flameball Music Store" but no fax machines???

I'm ready to go home and get back to civilization already.