The Washington State Chronicles

The Incredible Adventures of Karen C.

Yesterday was so fantastic! I had the day off, and it just so happened to be the only day with some half decent weather. The forecast for the next couple of weeks is nothing but rain. Yes, it was sprinking a tad bit, but that didn't stop me from going back out to Clark's Creek in search of a waterfall my dad told me about. I packed a small lunch, plenty of water, and a power bar -- just in case -- only because I had no idea where this waterfall was, and I was determined to find it. Taking an early start, I set out on the trail at about 11:30am and hiked my way up into the hills following the sound of running water below. Clark's Creek was definitely nearby, even if I couldn't actually see it.

Not too far into my hike, I heard a distant roar, and excitedly rushed through the trees, ferns, mud, damp moss, and rocks towards it. Once I got close enough to see what it actually was, my heart dropped disappointedly only to find out it was the creek's dam. However, I didn't have too much time to dwell on it, because suddenly a huge Blue Heron took flight out of the river and startled me. I wish I would've had my camera handy to snap a shot, but he was too fast. They're such gorgeous birds! Even though I hadn't found the mythical waterfall, I still decided to snap a couple of pictures anyway.

(Upper part of the dam)

So, I'm not quite sure if water pouring out of a drainage pipe is techincally considered a "waterfall," but I'm guessing not. ;P Anway, that's about as close as I got to finding any type of waterfall -- even though I hiked for two whole hours! In any case, I'm glad that I got out to the park when I did. Nasty weather is headed our way, and the high winds this morning were just the beginning. Western Washington is on flood warnings along with storm watches, and I'm waiting patiently indoors for the rain to run its course before I can get outside again.

My hopes were dashed that I wasn't able to find the waterfall my father spoke of, but that didn't stop me from having a breath-taking hike. I trekked south from 12th Ave. clear all the way to 23rd Ave -- which just so happens to be the southern border of the park! From there I back-tracked and wandered west, crossing over the creek twice as it snaked through the forest. I even had the rare opportunity to catch a glimpse of a Pileated Woodpecker!

(I thought this was so neat! Two fairly young trees growing out of a old stump.)

A minor set-back occurred on my way back when I took a wrong turn and got a little lost. I knew something wasn't quite right when I stumbled across the creek for a third time, not a second. No worries, however, I found my way back easily enough and was back on the main trail in no time.

All in all, yesterday really wasn't all that bad weather wise. Despite the insignificant amount of rain, the temps hovered up in the 50's, and I had to take off a layering piece to stay comfortable. I really tackled some steep inclines and some fairly tough downgrades. I'm sure it's nothing compared to what Mt. Rainier has to offer, but I figure this will help condition and get me prepared for what I'd actually like to do. I'm surprised I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be. I guess that Aleeve worked it's magic, or perhaps I'm in better shape than I thought! I was still exhausted, nonetheless, by the time I reached home. After I cleaned up and stuck my muddy clothes in the wash, I crashed hard on the couch with the fireplace roaring. There's nothing like being in the cold outdoors to help you appreciate a plush couch and a warm harth.

While I wait out the storms over the next few weeks, I won't be able to get out much, but perhaps I can take a trip into Tacoma to my local REI store to drool over all the backpacking and camping gear I have my heart set on. It'll take some time to accumulate all the things I need and/or want to have, I'm sure, but I'm hoping by this time next year I'll have some good pieces purchased. Then I can think about attempting an overnighter, or maybe even a three day backpacking trip. My ultimate goal is to sucessfully complete the Wonderland Trail, which is a 10-14 day, 93 mile hike with an elevation gain/loss of 3,500 ft. a day, with the highest recorded point sitting at 6,700 ft. The trail completely circumfrences the base of Mt. Rainier, and starts off at Longmire. It's a beast of an objective to be sure, and I want to be fully prepared, so it's not something I'll likely accomplish in the next year, or maybe even two, but I'd like to hike it eventually. It would definitely be an experience of a lifetime.

Well, I hope you readers are having better weather than I am and are able to get outdoors some. Until next time, thanks for checking in!


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